2018 is almost over and just like the past several years I’d like to reflect back on the videos we have shot and published in the past year, as well as, outline our plans for 2019. Leave us your feedback below.
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Happy Holidays!
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Hi Leon, thank you for providing all the great information. You and your team are providing valuable information. I have a question for your next Q&A… How do you handle Followers telling Leaders how to dance in a group class. I hear this over and over from Leaders who got turned off and even stopped coming to class because a Follower either told them they were doing it wrong and/or tried to correct them. This usually happens during during rotation, I believe there should be only one teacher in the class and that is the Instructor. Students should not be teaching other students during a group class.
I am a beginning student. My boyfriend and I have been taking lessons for about 6 months. There is so much to learn and we are just starting to have the aha moments where the light finally turns on! I hear followers telling leaders what to do all the time. Sometimes they are right and sometimes not. People learn at different paces and I find it is best, as a follower, especially in a group class, to be nice, to encourage your partner(s), to lift them up. So be positive, be polite, say thank you and move to the next partner, if in your class you switch partners.
We are currently taking lessons and watch your videos to help learn more and gain additional insight to dancing. I was just wondering if you have ever considered using your online teaching model in conjunction with private lessons with instructors around the country. We ask our instructors to video the new patterns we are learning which they do but don’t get as detailed as your videos. I think that being able to combine private lessons and detailed videos like yours would help students learn faster and have a more enjoyable experience. Looking forward to additional videos you are planning for 2019.
Happy Holidays
Hi Mickey,
I’m a bit confused by what you mean combine my videos with private lessons? You can send me an email to [email protected] to describe what you mean.
I have been dancing since I was around 12 years old (primarily self taught). I am now 87 and since the passing of my wife in 2011, have been trying to get back in the dancing scene. The problem is that many of the partners I encounter have taken many hours of classes and refuse to follow my lead choosing instead to do the steps they have been taught in class. I consider myself a strong lead but, would rather not struggle to get my partners to follow my lead. Any suggestions?
it is hard for me to know what you mean when you say “strong lead”. I’ll try to answer this one on the next Q&A session. But when you say strong lead, do you mean you try to force them into a move? Are you following the timing, and the flow of the dance? Usually women tend to resist the lead when the man does something that doesn’t really go, then it will forced…