Here’s the May 2020 episode of the member’s Q&A where I answer member’s dance questions.
This month I answered questions about East Coast Swing Rock step technique, Cha Cha Hip twists and more [Read more…]
Here’s the May 2020 episode of the member’s Q&A where I answer member’s dance questions.
This month I answered questions about East Coast Swing Rock step technique, Cha Cha Hip twists and more [Read more…]
Learn 3 important tips to make your spot turns look better. These tips can apply to both Rumba and Cha Cha. [Read more…]
This video comes from a Live session that Leon did on They are perfect for dancers and really everybody! [Read more…]
Here’s the April 2020 episode of the member’s Q&A where I answer member’s dance questions.
This month I answered questions about a Swing move, Samba knee demands and more [Read more…]
Here’s the March 2020 episode of the member’s Q&A where I answer member’s dance questions.
This month I answer questions on how to lead overturns and difference between Int. and Am. Style Waltz [Read more…]
West coast swing dance is one of the most popular social dance styles today.
West coast swing (WCS) originated from the Lindy Hop, and is danced in a “slotted” fashion (think of back and forth Tracks). This dance has many back and forth moves, underarm turns, spins and loops. Best of all, this dance has lots of room for improvisation, where partners can really express themselves to the fullest. [Read more…]
This question was asked in our Monthly Q&A in the Member area.
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