Learn how to Waltz dance for beginners in this starter guide.
What is the Waltz? Slow Waltz Character/History:
The Waltz dance is one of the classiest Ballroom dances with an emphasize on “rise and fall” and smooth movement across the dance floor. The Slow Waltz Originated in Vienna, Austria and was soon the go to dance at various Ballrooms and parties.
It is a dance that has a very elegant and soft character to match the classical music that often accompanies it. This dance has figures that are in one place such as the box step (taught below), as well as figures that travel around the floor such as the progressive basic step (taught below).
It can be danced to classy songs like “Appassionata” by secrete Garden and “The Sweetheart Tree” by Johnny Mathis.
The way you count the Waltz is: “1,2,3” – “1,2,3” – Each beat is even. The Waltz has a 3/4 time signature which is different than many of the other social dances like Rumba or Foxtrot that have a 4/4 structure.
Check out the 2 Waltz steps below:
Basic Waltz Dance Steps (The Box):
Summary of Waltz Basic Steps (Box Step)
Fwd with left foot
Side with right foot
Close left foot to right foot
Back with right foot
Side with left foot
Close right foot to left foot
Back with right foot
Side with left foot
Close right foot to left foot
Fwd with left foot
Side with right foot
Close left foot to right foot
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One of the keys to make your Waltz look better is to do “rise and fall” through out. In general you lower on count “1”, and go up on count “2”, then lower at the end of count “3”. Try it out!
Now that you learned how to Waltz in place with the box, you need to learn how to travel around the room since Waltz is a traveling dance.
Next, How To Waltz Around The Floor (Progressive Basic):
Fwd with left foot
Side with right foot
Close left foot to right foot
Fwd with right foot
Side with left foot
Close right foot to left foot
Back with right foot
Side with left foot
Close right foot to left foot
Back with left foot
Side with right foot
Close left foot to right foot
American Style: The American style Waltz originated in the United States and has moves that are done in closed-hold, as well as moves that are done in open-hold. The open-hold moves are what distinguish this style from the International style.
International Style: This style of Waltz is danced in both the USA and Europe. All the Waltz moves in this style are done in closed-hold. The International style is also often done competitively.
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Hi Leon, a couple waltz questions:
1. Can you say what the nice piano song is during your waltz videos?
2. I heard there is a more advanced waltz basic step. The beginner basic is 123 123 making a box. The more advanced is 123 – 123 – 123 – 123 where each 123 is the side of a larger box. Please comment. Thanks!
Hi Jerry,
1. It’s a royalty free music, not available to the public, but check our music lists for members where we suggest 5 new songs every month.
2. I’m not sure what you mean advanced basic step. There are many basic waltz steps… The box step without turning is like the baby step, but of course other figures like box turning, or progressive basics are also basic steps. If you’re talking about 1/4 turn box, then yes it would take longer to complete so you count 1,2,3 times 4. But it’s still the box turning, it’s just the amount of turn can be different depending on what you want to do.
Hi Leon,
Sorry for not giving more detail on the steps. Maybe this is called 1/4 turn box as you mentioned. Here are the details of the man’s steps: 123 forward with 1/4 turn left. 123 back with 1/4 turn left, 123 forward with 1/4 turn left. 123 back with 1/4 left completing the box. The 1/4 turn left is happening on the 23. My dance instructor showed me this at the end of the lesson and I will not be seeing her for 2-4 weeks so I hopped to get more info, not finding anything on the internet. Thanks!
Hi Jerry, this is a box turning with sharp 1/4 turns… which is nice for sure… But you don’t need to think it’s some “new waltz basic”, it’s another very nice variation of the box!
Leon, thanks for clearing up what these steps are called. Actually the teacher taught it to me not mentioning it as a box step but then later I realized, this is a variation of the box step! Thanks!
Thanks again, now that I have a name for It I found videos on youtube!
enjoyed both waltz videos. I would like more waltz videos with turns etc. thanks
Hi James, Thanks. We do have many more Waltz lessons in our membership program.
Hi Leon do you have a tutoral for the 18 step waltz
I want to know more about waltz dancing
Fantastic! What an amazing gift your sharing. My husband had gifted me lessons for Christmas last year, just as Covid came about… We have been simply waiting… but wait no longer, I’m going to share your videos with him, and we’ll begin here at home. Truly appreciate your taking time and sharing this.
Hi I have been watching a lot of dancing on utube and the men when doing the waltz they lead with there left foot, I went for my first dance class here in the uk and the man leads with his right foot why is this
Hi and tanks for your sample lessons. I have the same question as Colin Fursman, ie I have been taught in Denmark that the leader starts with right foot i waltz.
Best regards Eigil
Waltz is one of the easiest dances to learn and a great entry into dancing. Dance has so many benefits for physical and mental health. Moving and stretching, increasing flexibility, improving balance and co-ordination. Boosting confidence and improving mood. Helping reduce symptoms of depression. Meeting new people, producing a buzz and feel-good factor afterwards. Everyone should dance!