Here’s the February 2020 episode of the member’s Q&A where I answer member’s dance questions.
This month I answer how to lead underarm turns, how to be grounded in Latin dancing and more.
Jump to any question:
Question 1 – How to clear lady’s head during Underarm turns?
Question 2 – How to stay grounded in Cha Cha basic and spot turns
Question 3 – Is Jitterbug the same as single time swing?
Extra Resources:
How to stay grounded in Latin dancing
Is it possible to switch back and forth between American and International style rumba during the same dance?
They both have a SQQ or QQS rhythm but America Rumba Box Step and International Latin Rumba rocks or breaks forward and back on the Latin Diamond foot pattern.
America Rumba goes forward and back step on a Slow and closes feet together on a QQ.
International Rumba rocks forward and back on a QQ and side step on a QQ.
Many steps are similar in both styles of Rumba. Rumba walks, parallel offset breaks, crossover breaks (New Yorkers) fifth position breaks (Hand to Hand) etc.
I meant to say: International Rumba rocks forward and back on a QQ and side step on a Slow.
In terms of timing: American Rumba Box step forward on 12 and side together on 34.
International Rumba breaks or rocks forward and back 23 and side on 41.
The reason for my question is that we’ve been trying to figure out how to go from closed position to the fan position in the American style. It works fine from International style but seems impossible from American.
Box to underarm turn to open fan position.
Box to cross body lead to open fan position.
Cross over break (New Yorker) to underarm turn to open fan position.
I thought you meant changing the rhythm, timing and body or foot positions transitioning from American to International Style and between styles.