Have you ever gone through a month of intense reluctance to attend your dancing lessons? You just did not feel like going. You have not gone social dancing for a while, and you were losing the excitement you once had for learning how to dance. Something that used to keep you up late at night is not all that it used to be. That is perhaps when inspiration needs a little butt-kicking! CONTINUE READING
Danny’s Awesome Social Salsa Dancing Video
This dance video should remind everyone why they started dancing in the first place– to have fun! Danny (No, I don’t personally know him) and his partner are having so much fun together that it seems as though they are about to crack up at any given second. In addition, their dancing here is pure lead and follow. Notice how they are not thinking about anything, they are FEELING each others’ movement and interpreting the music. This is the way dancing was always meant to be. I challenge you to go out dancing next time and have as much fun as these two. Enjoy!
Learning To Social Dance Is Never Too Late
Do you want to learn how to dance but have doubts about starting too late?
Latin and Ballroom is a great dance style to pick up for people who are in their 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s and even 80s (And beyond!). Yes I said 80s! I know an 82 year old woman who takes 3 lessons a week and loves it… CONTINUE READING