Samba International Style Pick a Different Dance Course Content Pre-Bronze Level (Beginner) 1. Reverse Basic Movement Sample Lesson 2. Whisks Sample Lesson 3. Samba Walks In Promenade Position Sample Lesson 4. Traveling Bota Fogos Forward 5. Travelling Bota Fogos Back 6. Criss Cross Bota Fogos Sample Lesson 7. Criss Cross Voltas 8. Side Samba Walk 9. Stationary Samba Walks Bronze Level (Adv. Beginner) 10. Bota Fogos Promenade & Counter Promenade 11. Traveling Voltas 12. Whisk & Underarm Turn 13. Closed Rocks 14. Reverse Turn 15. Solo Spot Voltas 16. Corta Jacas 17. Rhythm Bounce Samba Bronze Routine Silver Level (Intermediate) 18. Open Rocks 19. Maypole 20. Rolling Off The Arm 21. Shadow Circular Voltas (To Left & Right) 22. Plait Samba Silver Routine Gold Level (Advanced) 23. Samba Locks 24. Promenade & Counter Promenade Runs 25. Natural Roll 26. Reverse Roll 27. Contra Bota Fogos 28. Roundabout 29. Cruzados Walks & Locks Samba Gold Routine Live Streams Samba with Leon (July 14, 2024) Samba with Leon (February 18, 2024) Samba Basics with Leon (December 3, 2023) Samba with Leon (September 24, 2023) Samba with Leon (July 2, 2023) Samba with Leon (February 19, 2023) Samba with Leon (December 4, 2022) Samba with Leon (October 2, 2022) Samba with Leon (June 19, 2022) Samba with Leon (May 1, 2022) Samba with Leon (January 16, 2022) Samba with Leon (Oct 3, 2021) Samba & Salsa with Leon (June 27, 2021) Samba & Salsa with Leon (April 25, 2021) Samba with Leon (Jan 31, 2021) Samba & Salsa with Leon (Dec 6, 2020) Samba & Salsa with Leon (June 16, 2020) Samba Practice Drill with Leon (March 29, 2020)