Do you know how to recover from a situation where your partner didn’t follow you? I give you 2 main principles to follow when you want to get back back on track.
The key here is not to make a scene or start blaming each other – Instead you want to lead your partner right out of it!
Hello and welcome to today’s podcast. My name is Leon and today, I want to talk to you about what to do when your partner doesn’t follow you or didn’t follow the specific move that you were leading her into.
Well, there could be a variety of reasons of why your partner didn’t follow you. It could be that she was distracted. It could be that maybe you led her wrong. Maybe you made a mistake of how you were leading it.
But let’s say you believe you’ve done everything you can and you have led her correctly and your partner still didn’t follow, what do you do then? Well, the thing is, don’t freak out. That’s the first thing. Yes? You don’t want to freak out. You want to keep cool and you want to just get out of it and keep going, keep dancing. So don’t make a scene out of it.
You want to do two things. The first one is you want to get your frame back in order. You want to get the connection to your partner better so you want to tone up the body, get the frame up, get the arms nice and toned to her so that you can lead her out into basic step, into some simple steps. You don’t want to try to lead her out into some complex steps right away after you guys messed up. You want to regain the posture, regain the frame and so you can lead the direction. You guys obviously have a little connection in the arms so that you can lead her back or forward or side into the basic step. That’s your first priority.
And then the second thing you want to do is you want to get back on time with the music because the music keeps going. The music doesn’t really care that you guys made a little mistake or whose fault it is. You just need to get back on time. You want to get back on the rhythm of the music as quickly as possible. And that means that you might need to either slow it down or speed up. So that’s up to you. Yes?
So how fast you’re going to lead her into or how slow, it depends where the music is so you want so you’re going to sense it. Again, you want to get a nice frame and lead her into some basic step and then you also want to get back into the timing. And once you do that, then you can lead her into more complex steps after that and everything is going to be smooth-sailing from there.
Now, what do you do when your partner doesn’t follow you? I’d love to hear from you. Leave a comment below.
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Frank Douglas says
Very useful
Thank you