If you are wondering the best ways to go about practicing your dance technique to music, you will like the tips I present in this video.
The biggest mistake people make is trying to practice to the fast music. In the video I explain how to gradually build up to the speed of music.
Hello and welcome to this video podcast. My name is Leon from Passion4dancing.com. And today, I want to talk to you about how should you be practicing to the music?
So, here’s the thing. You have just learned a new step, a new concept, a new technique, whatever it is, a new dance maybe, and you want to practice your moves to the music, what I recommend is that you practice to slower music first and then build it up to a faster music. Yes?
I think a lot of people just want to put on the fastest music there is and try to do what they’ve been learning to that very fast music and they struggle. They just can’t do it. And even if they are making through it on time, they don’t look good doing it or they haven’t been really applying any of the techniques because it’s just simply too fast. Their body doesn’t remember it. It cannot execute it that fast yet. So I’d say, it’s pretty useless to start practicing to fast music right away.
I recommend that you first put on much slower music, really slow. Yes? And do your steps. Maybe it’s going to feel a little bit funny if you’re doing cha-cha to a really slow music and it’s not even going to have that syncopated feeling but at least you’re going to have a little bit of time to really execute what you want to do, to really practice and remember all the tips that you want to actually do and all the technique elements that you want to implement to that slower music.
And then speed it up by 10% and then do it again to a little bit faster music and see how that went. And then if you feel like you’re getting it then bump it up another 10% and another 10%. So you’re gradually building up to the faster music.
But in general, we’re competing in professional dance competitions and even we always practice to slower music. We almost never put on just quick music because it’s like if you can’t do with a slower music, chances are you can’t do with the faster music. And if you really want to improve then you definitely want to start practicing too much slower4 speeds of music. And a lot of programs allow you to slow it down.
So for example, Windows Media Player which we use in our studio allows you to slow the songs down. It’s in the enhancements area. I might have some more instructions in the description area how to slow it down with a Windows Media Player. But there are also other apps you can use to slow down music and I definitely recommend it if you want to work on something specific in your dancing.
So, what do you think? And what do you do? Do you practice to slower music or do you go right away to that fastest music right away? Leave a comment below.
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In this video podcast, Leon from Passion4dancing.com explains how to effectively practice dance to music. He advises starting with slower music to help the body absorb and execute new dance steps or techniques. Practicing slowly allows you to focus on form and technique, and gradually increasing the tempo by 10% at a time helps ease into faster rhythms. Even professional dancers often practice to slower tempos before attempting faster music for a cleaner execution.